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Welcome to the Thar desert region of Western Rajasthan!

Barmer District is a district in Rajasthan state of India. It is located in the western part of Rajasthan state forming a part of the Thar Desert.

Barmer is described as “Vestibule of the Rajasthani Culture” and called as a miniature Rajasthan with all its colour, warmth and tradition. The place is renowned for handicrafts, multi - hued traditional costumes etc. 

Barmer being a backward region,  faces different challenges and problem being a desert & border-line area, there are lack of roads, lack of Transportation, unfavourable climatic condition, Inaccessible areas. People here has to face different challenges to survive for their livelihood. Here, GVCS contributed differently in the lives of rural people especially women. 

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Who We Work With


Barmer being the backward area of western Rajasthan, GVCS is working for the Holistic Development of this sector, mostly for the upliftment of women, Dalits and marginalize communities in the region. GVCS focus on Women development activities which involves Health education, Livelihood, Skills, etc. We work for them to provide facilities to these beneficiaries at their home by conducting events and workshop for them. Income Generation programs are held to support these women to work for their livelihood.

Glimpse of the Journey!

“I am grateful to GVCS for providing me the Smart Phone. I will be able to get connected with my community and customers through this . 


Aasu Devi

Beneficiary of Smart Phone

Community Leader

“My village had no electricity and it was difficult to work after sunset. My children are now able to study at night also and there is less strain on my eyes. Thanks to GVCS!”

Mangi Devi

Beneficiary of Solar Light,

Rural woman

“I had to work and earn so that I could educate my husband. GVCS provided me this opportunity for which I am thankful. My husband is a government employee now.”

Amru Devi

Beneficiary of Income Generation Program,

Master Artisan


Our Funding Partners
